#1: Hanging Party! If you love seeing the goods before the rest of the world does, come help hang the show. What happens is you help bring work down to Schmancy, you help tag, you help hang and you help make the show look amazing! And in return you get to stake your claim! Not to mention we have fun. When? October 7th 6-it's done (9ish?). Where? Schmancy 1932 2nd ave. Please let me know if you would like to join in the fun at kristen(at)schmancytoys(dot)com
#2: Breakfast at Le Pichet. My tradition is to go and eat delicious breakfast at Le Pichet on 1st ave the morning of Plush You! Gotta get lot's of protein for the day! All are welcome. Come talk plush and eat some delicious breakfast. If you are visiting and staying at The Moore Hotel it's right around the corner! I will be there at 9:30 on Oct. 8th. Will you join me?
#3: PLUSH YOU!!!!! The opening reception is October 8th from 5:00 to 9:00. AFTER the opening we will go to the Nite Lite, attached to The Moore Hotel to continue the party. Talk plush over some cocktails!
#4: Celebrate the release of Alicia Kachmar's new book, Witch Craft
There might be a #5 but still confirming information.
Thanks for the link!
Looking forward to this book!
CAN'T wait!!!!!!
Cool! I'd love to help hang!
Whoo hoo! I'll see you at Le Pichet for sure! I have dreams about their egg, ham, and gruyere concoction!
I will gladly come and help...:)
Can't wait
I believe my friend and my son will be coming with me to check everything out on Saturday. Do you open at 11am?
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