PY- How did Wonder Thunder come about?
WT- Wonder Thunder was assembled out of loose scraps, dirty screens, loose morals, and long winter days. We felt the need to fill our already busy days and nights with as much stuff as possible. The rest is history.

PY- Are you from a State that actually has thunder?
WT- Our lives in Tennessee were riddled with thunder storms, something we miss dearly here in the pacific northwest. Tennessee is known for it's sporadic tornado outbreaks, crashing trees, and volatile weather.

PY- You guys have a diverse collection. Who does what in your duo?
WT- We both come up with ideas and the illustrations, we typically draw things by hand then manipulate the drawings on the computer. Sasha screen-prints, Meagan sews. We both do the cutting, ironing, stuffing, embroidering, washing, folding, and cooking.

Go here to read the full interview.
Ooh, awesome! :)
Wow, first comment! That's never happened before. Wonder Thunder makes the coolest bananas! You can contact me via my blog..
Wow, fisrt comment! That's never happened before.. I love Wonder Thunder, they make the coolest bananas! You can contact me via my blog, just leave a comment!
Hmmm... Just realized why my comment wasn't coming up. Pick your fav and ignore the rest! Sorry :P
toast is great!
how i love this style! <3
i would be honored to own a plushie toast by them ^^
I love the Inky Octopus pillow! Plush toast sounds mighty good!
very awesome!
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