S- First tell us a bit about yourself and how you got into making plush toys?
SB- My name is Steff Bomb & i like making things? ha. i guess that pretty much sums it up. my favorite food is vegetarian corn dogs, my favorite color is brown, i love my boyfriend (his name is Evan & i think he is a dreamboat), and umm...i am allergic to cats (but i will snuggle them anyway).
i got starting making plush toys a few years ago when i lived with a bunch of friends back in Philly. i read about an all plush show called Plushtastrophe, in Pencil Fight #2. the show was amazing and oddly enough, it never dawned on me that you could do something like that. i have been drawing all of my life but never had a medium that i felt comfortable with...but after reading that article, plush just made sense. the next day, i bought a cheap sewing machine from a wholesale liquidator and i have been sewing ever since.
so, i guess, thank you Bwana Spoons. as it turns out, he is the 100% indirectly responsible for who i am today.

S- You haven't updated your site in awhile. What have you been up to since Oct. 2007?
SB- oh...you noticed that too, huh? heh...
i've realized that i am much better at keeping up with myspace than i am with my website, because i can update it on my own. i have never really been good with computer stuff. my friend Meghan Ansbach has been kind enough to offer to help me spruce up my website and even make the "news" section more of a blog...so that even with my lack of computer knowledge, i will be able to update it regularly.
i've been up to a lot, but its all sewing. actually thats pretty much all i have done since...but i am definitely not complaining. ha. i've also very very recently moved from Philly to Chicago. before this year, i have never even left the east coast. i have to be honest, as much as i love living in Chicago so far...i love Philly pizza much better.

S- One of your toys, Mr. Lertchman had an international release through ESC-Toy. How did that come about and how did that change your plush making career?
SB- oh man, it changed everything. completely and totally. late 2006-ish, i received an email from Erick Scarecrow basically saying that he likes my work and was wondering if i ever thought of mass production. coincidentally around that time, i had starting researching mass production because i wasn't able to keep up with orders. i thought it over, decided "what the hell", and starting saving. by April 2007, i had enough money to pay for the production costs. i know it's not the the best toy in the world...but i collect toys too, so it was surreal to actually see mine in stores all over the world, on the same shelves as Friends With You and Uglydoll's. it's opened so many doors for me too. i still cant get over that i get to be in awesome art shows...let alone alongside people that i have admired for years. i am not going to mention any names (cough cough Heidi Kenney cough cough)...but i still get all giddy about that stuff.

Read full interview here
ooo... please count me in, you know me, i can never have enough plushies! plus my lerchman needs a buddy.
those are some rad plushies! I really like how much goofy/goonyness she evokes with a single missing tooth.
cute monsters! i adore the carrots.
I ♥ this! The wonderful world of plushies :-)
I would love to have a chance to win. :) Great interveiw :)
I want your sole...
jenniferlfee @ gmail.com
Its great to see someone with such a good sense of humour. Her plushies are all so clever and kind of cheeky =P. Looking at them definately made me smile - I can only imagine what a hug does.
great interview! please count me in. :)
oops..i forgot to leave contact info.
hana (at) supahcute.com
i LOVE steff's stuff! it's adorable and the quality is amazing. this interview was great too. <3
Count me in.
Nice photos! :)
fourdozen @ gmail.com
fourdozen @ gmail.com
I love the vegetable vandal! The tiny can of spray paint is perfect.
urchiken at gmail dot com
Come to daddy :)
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