Friday, December 07, 2007

Lauren Alane

Hi, all. This is Elena! I told Kristen I'd try to keep the blog up while she was away. I'm getting a bit of a late start, but here we are...

Earlier this week, I was trying to put together a rather ambitious, "themed" post, but stopped when I came across the work of Lauren Alane. I knew her work was a post in itself.

For how tiny they are, these birds certainly have big personalities! I love Lauren's attention to detail -- the little caps, spectacles, aprons and bows.

Sometimes I think half the fun of plush (or in this case needle felt) is the presentation. Construction and materials are really important, but the personality of a piece can also come to life through its surroundings. In the photos above, the plush trees Lauren made work wonderfully.

The other settings and photographs are incredible as well. I love the outdoor scenes. Be sure to check out her flickr - here. I think I let out an audible "aw" with every new photographed scene.

Lauren takes care of any additional internet needs as well - you can visit her website and blog to find out more about her work. AND she has an etsy, that will soon be stocked with holiday ornaments. Really, what more could you want??


Shannon said...

I love her little birdies so much! I have been wanting to buy one of her logs to use in my pictures. Hmmm... I wonder if she would be ok with that? It would be good promo for her. :)
Great post Kristen!

Unknown said...

The are amazing, and I love the photography.
I've posted her work to my own blog as well.
Thanks for the heads up Elena!
