Thursday, June 21, 2007

Avian Flu

Hey plush pals, Robert here. When I was a kid, probably eight or nine, I decided I absolutely and irrationally needed a multi-tiered, pagoda-like bamboo birdhouse that I found in a shop or catalogue. Immediately began the Christmas campaigning, and apparently my pleading worked as I later found out my poor father was up till all hours Christmas eve assembling the damn thing. It sounds horrible when I say it, but in retrospect the idea of having a pet bird was really secondary to owning that cage. I did select a green parakeet and named him Pistachio who was a poor housekeeper and continually generated a two foot circle of feathers and seed shells around his cage. And I confess to completely panicking when he was let out of his pagoda and flitted insanely around my room. Admittedly not the most successful pairing of pet and kid.

These days I admire birds from afar and I love their growing prominence as subject matter in the crafting and plush-making communities. So as a small salute to our winged pals I've selected a few artists currently creating avian themed plush.

I've long been enamored of artist Ann Wood's flock, each deceptively simple and full of subtle personality.

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Jenn Docherty's felted feathered friends gather in the sweeter side of the aviary where it appears they're all ready to celebrate some bitty buddy birdie's birthday.

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And finally, Laura Faggioni's birds are elegant little works of folk art made all the more charming by the evident handiwork of their creator.

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