Thursday, September 04, 2008

Here are a few of my favorite things

I am so so tired. I mean, I could fall asleep right here. Last night we had the Dunny Trading Party here at Schmancy. I think with all the books, administrative stuff for this store, You Bazaar!, etc. I am in a constant state of panic which makes one very sleepy. Tonight I plan on laying in my bed and watching a movie or something stupid. It sounds like heaven. So this is what I like right at the moment.

I love all the awesome trees being made. They are all different and beautiful in their own ways. This one is by Astulabee

These toys by Lorena Alvarez are awesome.

I can't wait to see these guys in person! By the uber talented Dawn Rammerman

This bunny by Rachaelrabbit is so cute!

Last for the day, this owl by Crayon Monster


lookwhaticando said...

aaaahhhh thanks Kristen :)

Kimberland Designs said...

They are all so cute and cleverly designed. I especially love Crayon Monster's owl. So sweet!

Kim =)

Anonymous said...

wow!! thanks a lot for posting one of my plushies :D it is quite an honor!
