S- We've read about your business online and love your work... can you explain a little more about who Dreamlets is?
D- Amy: Dreamlets is a company, a brand, and a line of designer plush characters created by my business partner and beautiful designer, Matty Harper. We started the company in 2006, and have been actively selling Dreamlets since the beginning of this year. The name Dreamlets is inspired by a reference in Geek Love, a book by Katherine Dunn, but also speaks to one of our ideals - that dreams do come true and anything is possible.
Matty: "Dreamlets" is "Let's Dream" flip-flopped.

click here to read full interview.
I love Dreamlets, found them while wasting time online. They are super cute :D
Keep up the good work
Chocolate Log
Your work is so adorable!
My email is knitted_monster@hotmail.com :D
:D harpy@pigpig.net Very lovely plushies.
These are the cutest plushies. I love them. I cannot wait to but a dreamlet for myself. Cyndy (cynthetic_designs@hotmail.com)
Oooh comment!
Those dreamlets are the cutest! How sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
Ok, I forgot my contact info!
jenniferlfee at gmail.com
thanks TONS!
those are so cute...!
missyk@ hellokitty.com
I'm with chocolate log...i just love wasting time on the internet...you find the cutest stuff......like Dreamlets!!!
These are fantastic!
Jessica Hood
cute little dudes!
dreamijo @ yahoo.com
Oh my gosh! Those little guys are uber cute!! I just want to give them a big ol' hug! I think Uncle has to be my favorite! Great website too! It makes me smile!
these are so very cute. :)
especially the ceecee!
These little guys are the sweetest things. I just love them!!!!
Great Blog I found you through Jessica @ Funky Finds!
Kristen =)
just found you thanks to funky finds. What sweet little creatures!!
They are ALL adorable! As always, thanks for the interview and the daily cuteness :)
webiste: www.twistedtextiles.com
email: jamiekins15 at hotmail dot com
Those are the cutest things!
I love these guys!!
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