Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Please Help

A dear friend of mine is exploring the "what do I want to do with my life" question hardcore. I think she is a very smart, resourceful and simply a great person. So naturally, I want to help her as much as I can. She seems to have narrowed down the people she would like to work with and that's where I can help. She loves working with artists and crafters alike and would like to explore more what we, as artists and crafters, need to make our lives easier. I am asking you for advice, suggestions, thoughts, etc. What do you think you would need to make your hobby more into a business (this is if you are looking to go in that direction)? If you are doing your craft as a business, what would you find helpful to make you more efficient, financially stable, organized, etc? Basically if you have any thoughts at all on anything pertaining to your craft and business, please let us hear it. I, and my dear friend, thank you.


pamela said...

first thing i thought of was 'artist rep' so many artists aren't good at selling their own work and it seems like EVERYONE is looking for an art rep. So if she's good with people and likes to see and show people's work this might be worth looking into.
Plus I think you can make your own hours!

missyballance said...

We just talked about this at baz biz this weekend. We want a on-line personals for crafters. Like match.com but craft match.com... and not for romantic dates, but for coffee crafting hook-ups, and networking purposes. Somewhere where we can locate and profile other local crafters to make friends, network, etc. and some fo'sale classifieds to go with it! The craft mafias are awesome... but not everyone has a business... and the gals at baz biz kept saying they were having a hard time finding other crafty gals in their area :)

Absolutely Small said...

Some kind of actual online 'community' for artists would be wonderful! There's too much snobbery in the art world and not nearly enough sharing. And an artist rep is definetly someting that would make my art & craft life easier! Someone to get you into things, tell you what hoops to jump through...
Sorry this is so vauge- feel free to email me- I'm constantly dreaming up things that I think would make life easier. chicken_widget(at)yahoo.com

Schmancy said...

Thank You for these comments. I hope people continue to add to this post. It has been interesting to hear about all these ideas. I definately agree with all of you and agree that the art world is a bit on the snobbish side. A huge reason why I have been so grateful for the DIY and craft movement. I hope that my friend will possibly be able to help all of you in the near future. Until then, please keep the ideas flowing.