San Francisco was great! It was nice to relax for a few days and get some motivation and inspiration. Besides the obvious things, here are my highlights.
Lunch with Natalie from Craft magazine. Natalie is awesome and a lot of fun to talk with. It was great to hang out and have lunch OUTSIDE in the sun.
Dinner with Lisa Congdon and Jess Hutch at Country Station Sushi in the Mission. It's funny how you read about people and exchange emails and then you finally get to meet them. Well I actually had already met Lisa when she had a show last year at Schmancy but I had never met Jess. They are both really fun, talented people. It was nice to finally get to sit down and really talk. It was a really fun night and I was excited that Jess came out with my friend and I for a drink after dinner. Jess gave us all gifts. The picture above is one of mine. The other picture is of Jess, Lisa and my friend Maribel.
Visiting SCRAP finally, the Vivienne Westwood exhibit at the de Young museum, visiting Stitch Lounge in Hayes Valley. There are other highlights but I am pretty tired and can't think anymore. There were also plenty of places on my list I was unable to see due to the lack of time. I guess I'll just have to go back soon :)
It was so much fun hanging out with you! We have to do that again soon. :) xoxo
yes please! i love hanging with you and talking about the wonderful world of crafting.
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