Dawn Ramerman is amazing. She came into Schmancy about a year and a half ago (is that possible??) lugging in a HUGE bag of plush. I was a bit on the overwhelmed side because they were too good to choose from. I ended up with A LOT needless to say. Ever since I love when Dawn comes to visit and bring me more goods. She is one of those people that you gravitate to and no visit is as short as you think it's going to be because we can't stop talking. I love her enthusiasm, energy, grace and excitement. I think I get excited about what's to come just talking with her. And she really is just so nice. I can't imagine anyone not liking Dawn. Be her fan, I am.
S-When I met you, I believe that you were only selling to several other local stores. Since then, I feel like I have seen your work in a lot more places; which is awesome. What do you think helped you grow into a national seller?
DR-I think the biggest thing that has helped me is being on Etsy, Flickr and having a blog. All three have brought people to me and I feel very lucky to be found. At the same time I work really hard and try to get as much done as humanly possible. I heart the internet!!! Maggie and Michael of Supermaggie.com really helped me a ton and I really am grateful to them! They not only bought some of my stuff whsl they gave me credit on their website and linked folks to my Etsy shop and my blog and told folks that wanted whsl where and how to find me. I think they are two of the most amazing people on the planet! Also being in Plush You (thanks Kristen) and Morphe 11(thanks Carly) was great fun and wonderful exposure!
S-As you have grown do you have a certain goals for your plush business or do you just take things as they come?
DR-I have always had goals but they change very rapidly. Last year my biggest goal was to do a craft fair and at the last minute I signed up for Urban Craft Uprising and I got in. I was soooo excited and nervous and it was a lot of hard work but sooo fun!! Usually my goals are trying to produce as much as my life allows and doing it to the best of my abilities every time.
S-What is your favorite part of creating plush toys?
DR-The fabric!!! For me it’s all about the fabric!! It also feels amazing when a plushie is completed and it takes on a life of it’s own!! It is sooooo satisfying!!
S-What has been your proudest moment for Look What I Can Do?
DR-There have been a lot lately it’s hard to pick one…When I got my February issue of Readymade and I was cruising the ads in the back...I almost fainted when I saw that Michael and Maggie put 2 of my bunnies and a walrus in their ad!!! My booth at Urban Craft Uprising…my husband Jason made it and I designed it and I loved it. Being asked to be in the Spree Section of the April issue of Metropolitan Magazine!! I love what they wrote and the photo!!
S-You use a lot of really great vintage fabric. You have mentioned some of the problems you have experienced using vintage fabrics. How do you balance it?
DR-I am a BIG fan of recycling and so for me it’s worth it to try and use vintage. It is also more affordable most of the time and I LOVE vintage fabric!! It makes my Love=Creatures a bit more unique too and I like that. I also use new fabrics too but most of them look vintage/retro. It does make it harder to do multiples in the same fabric but I actually like that.
S-You have also mentioned in numerous places your love for plush. Where do you think that comes from?
DR-I am a visual person and kids stuff is very suited to me. Plus I LOVE animals so…
S-Since I have known you, you have also begun selling on Etsy. How has that helped you?
DR-Etsy basically changed everything. I am in control of what I put in my shop and it is a great feeling that I am doing it all myself. Lots of folks have discovered me on Etsy and I have networked with other sellers. The people that buy from Etsy are wonderful people that really appreciate what you do... I love that! I now have a bunch of ‘Etsy Friends’ and customers who have become email friends!
S-Any insight you would like to share with aspiring plush creators?
DR-Just have fun and be true to yourself and who you are. Let others inspire you but stay true to yourself. The internet is a great tool and if you use it correctly it can really help you to get out there. It built up my confidence and I am very happy for that.
S-Any exciting news you might like to share?
DR-My daughter will go to school in the fall and that’s when I am really going to try and do my thing. Up until now I fit in all my creating after she goes to bed. It will be nice to see what I can do when I have the time to really do it. I will definitely do Urban Craft Uprising again and I am going to try and do more whsl again. Plus I really can’t wait to update my shop on a more regular basis. I have lots of plans and ideas for other products to sell too and I can’t wait to get busy!!
S-Any plug you like to do?
DR-I wish I had something big for you but all I can think of is check out my shop and say hello on my blog. I am super excited for my future in plush and to increase my sewing skills to take on loads of new projects that will expand my customer base and mix it up a bit for me. Sewing plush is my greatest love but I
can’t wait to branch out and have time to do more!! There’s always more, more, MORE!!!
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