Saturday, December 04, 2010

Urban Craft Uprising

Okay, it's starting.  Today!  AHHHH.  I am most likely running around like a crazy person, sleep deprived but really excited.  Some things I am extra excited for are:

Seeing Anna of Mochimochi Land fame.  Anna is doing her FIRST craft show with UCU which I am so happy about.  I have been trying to convince that lady for year's now to do one so I am so honored it's with us!  She also did the amazing art work we have for this show.
Isn't it adorable?

I am also really excited about seeing Twinkie Chan again.  I met her sorta once but it was at Plush You! in SF and was awkward because I forgot her real name.  hahaha

I was going to start running down the list of all the vendors I want to shop with but this list would quickly get out of control.  It's gonna be awesome!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited, Kristen! Thank you for talking me into it haha!
