Friday, October 01, 2010

Six year's ago today...

Today is the day Schmancy opened it's doors officially to the public.  I am kind of in awe.  It has gone so fast!  It has been great and hard and life changing.  If you had said to me 7 year's ago that I would own a store in downtown Seattle, that I would be working on my 4th book and life would be full of stuffed awesomeness I would have probably smacked you across the face and told you to snap out of it.  But here we are.  When I opened these doors I had NO CLUE what the heck I was doing.  I had always fantasized about owning a store but after working for a few small business owners I decided it was better to just have a reliable paycheck....and insurance!  BUT then I met Sally who just happened to catch me on one of those "i hate everything i'm doing day's" and convinced me to open up shop.  Three days later while sitting at a job, I was not into, I got an email from Sally who said the landlords said I could have a lease.  HOLY CRAP!  WHAT?  I quickly started applying for credit cards (yes Schmancy started on credit cards), ordering toys and looking online for artists.  I was so naive that I just asked all sorts of established artists to either have an art show at the shop or sell things.  Shockingly a lot of them said yes!  I think that was one of my first life lessons from Schmancy.  You can always ask because the worst thing that will happen is people say no. 

It takes awhile to build up a customer base and feel like things are working out.  Of course as soon as things started feeling good the whole economy thing happened.  That really put a cramp in my style to say the least.  It was sad to see so many shops closing and then to think that your ship is sinking is the saddest thing ever.  There have been some bleak moments but you just gotta keep fighting the good fight.  After a major freak out one day I realized the only thing I could do is to keep fighting and that I wasn't going out without kicking and screaming first.  I also imagined myself applying for jobs and having a boss and well...I went into serious action. 

It's funny to think back to what I thought having a store meant.  I thought I would have tons of time to read, make stuff at the shop, watch movies on gross days, etc.  It just ain't so.  But that's okay.  I have learned so much, have really appreciated all the things that have happened to me because of this little place.  Mostly I am so glad that this little place has brought me to people like you.  Customers, fans of Plush You!, etc. has been more than I would have ever imagined.  Thank you!  Here's to at least 6 more years!


  1. Hooray, happy birthday Schmancy! Congratulations Kristen and thank you for all that you do to support the plush and hand making community-you are too cool for school! Eat a ton of cake and get the champagne open. Wishing you many happy returns.

  2. Thank you Lisa! You are one of those people that makes it all so good. I feel like you are my long lost friend. xoxo

  3. Hip hip hooray! Super happy birthday Schmancy!
    Like Lisa, I'd like to thank you for the enormous amount of work you do on behalf of the plush and crafting community. You really are an amazing person.

  4. Oh...Happy Happy Birthday Schmancy and Congratualtions are doing an amazing job!!!!! Happy Birthday to You...Happy Birthday to You...Happy Birthday Dear Schmancy and Kristen...Happy Birthday to you.

  5. Happy Birthday, Schmancy! Congratulations on building the cutest store in Seattle! :D

  6. happy plush birthday, Kristen! thanks for opening Schmancy, and giving newbie artists like me a chance. i really don't know where i'd be with my own creative endevors without you, Schmancy and Plush You.
    for many more years of plush awesome!

  7. Lordy... 6 years?! time flies. i am so out of the loop these days, but all I can say is - awesome. you rock. 6 years is absolutely amazing. Something to be so very proud of. Heck, I'm proud of you. Best, stuart p.s. I'll be in soon to pick up my crap (sorry).

  8. Happy birthday and thanks for all you have done for us artists and the plush scene...Kristen , you rock!

  9. Congrats!!! Thanks for the great work you have done and are still doing for the plush scene and their artists. You were one of the first that supported me and my work. Many thanks for that!

    Your are the best! Keep up the good work and wishing you many joyful Schmancy years :D

  10. Congradulations!
    I think that you have a great role, both in having an actual physical space dedicated to plushies and also for your work on this blog.

    its one of the few very cohesive blogs about plush from all corners. Its a great place to find new creators.

    and all this not to mention the shows that you arrange and put on. Bravo!

  11. Thank you all for the lovely comments. It is so nice of you all. I feel really lucky to be able to do what I do!


  12. Congrats Kristen! Super proud of you - we're really lucky to have schmancy in our community!

  13. Congratulations. That is really a great accomplishment. I adore you as many other people around you do. Keep up! Hooray!!! Love, Koko

  14. This is an amazing story!

  15. congratulations and happy 6th bday. what a fantastic story. keep fighting the good fight x
