Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Experience at CCE- Part 2

ahhh now I have even more things to write about but I didn't want to finish all the goodies I learned at CCE.  Because I was one of the organizers I was unable to sit in on a lot of the classes but I did make it to one of Garth Johnson's.  Can I just say that if you have never attended one of Garth's talks, you should add it to your list of things you should do.  He's a great speaker, has tons of energy and was really smart!  I had the pleasure of getting a little hang out time with him and his lovely wife, Claire.  I can't wait to see these two again! 

I met so many nice people.  I finally got to meet Kaeti from Tyler Poncho fame.  She showed me her book and gave me some awesome playing cards. 

I had the pleasure of talking on a few panels which was nice.  I am becoming less scared of talking in public however I was sooo sleep deprived the whole weekend I really hope I made sense. 

I learned a lot from Danielle who was talking about how to sell on Etsy.  My wish list has become really long of things I want to do for Schmancy so I am not sure if I will get to tackle my Etsy shop as soon as I had hoped but maybe one of these days!

In conclusion, CCE was a great experience.  I can't wait for a reunion!

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