see all the people!
It was so nice to see you all meet each other and talk plush. Here is a picture of the Plush Teamers!. Cute!

There is still a lot of stuff to digest and then do...like put it up online sooo in the meantime, please check out SOME of my photos on flickr.
I will be doing posts all week on the show, logistics, etc.
more to come soon.
i love the photo
just because we can all really meet, and we are all so suportive
love you fellow pt-ers ...
I had a blast but alas did not make a big enough effort to meet other makers....but I had fun, took loads of photos...and our daughter got to wear her Cotton Monster Head and have fun too. :) So so so great
Hee, hee in the corner I spy my spleens. I am bummed that I had Open Studios on the same weekend and couldn't make it up to represent, looks like amazing fun was had by all.
Hooray for Kristen! I felt a little sad knowing so many of you were hanging out at the show and I couldn't be there. It all looks amazing and I feel so proud to have been a part of it. I am sending you a virtual bear hug and many thanks for all of your hard work and support, double hooray!
I had so much fun meeting you and everyone else, and the show was wonderful! I can't wait to come back out next year!
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