Thursday, February 28, 2008

Good Packaging goes a long way

I think you are all fantastic. I have really enjoyed all the people I have met and been able to work with in any shape or form. I have been really astonished by how many plush folks are out there and to think I have any part in this makes me feel really happy.

I have talked about the importance in packaging in various interviews. I thought I would do a post here on how really good packaging can really complete a piece of work. It can be simple to elaborate but customers really draw to that sort of thing and often times relate more to a piece.

For instance, you can be really elaborate like Robyn Fabsits. I just came across her latest piece, this amazing robot. The box is amazing and makes me love this guy even more.

Personally, I am not that good at art so this is way beyond my comprehension. But there are tons of other ways to make a super cute tags.

Here are some ideas:

1) Shrinky Dink tags for your printer!

2) Bisbee Stitches makes awesome tags that seem fairly cheap to make. His partner draws a picture of the plush he made and then there is a story on the other side. Since I sell these, I often find that customers really draw to a particular one because they might identify with the story or the name of the piece.

3) If you own or can find a Gocco machine, you can make some really nice, inexpensive tags or notecards.

4) Moo Cards are awesome and fairly inexpensive. A lot of Plush You! participants last year had these as tags. AND it's super easy to use! OH AND...You could get sticker books!!

5) There is a really great tutorial on how to make your own rubber stamps here

If anyone else wants to add to the list, feel free. I just thought I would offer some ideas.

1 comment:

Pinky Wittingslow said...

Then I use eyelets to make a professional looking hole to thread the string through.

They are great because they don't get bent in transit.

I can put a tutorial up on my blog if anyone is interested :)