Saturday, November 22, 2008

If anyone is in the Bay Area

Here is an email I got the other day:

"Loved the show at Double Punch. I met you and explained I work at Creative growth in oakland and would be interested in talking to someone about doing an artist presentation at Creative Growth. It usually entails talking with the gallery director, setting up a date for a morning and or full day of working with artists in the studios. If you have a contact, they can contact me and i can give more details."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Plush You show @ Double Punch was lots of fun. We came home with a squid. PLEASE have a show in the SF bay area again this year (2009)! If you need help, I loved to get involved.

In case folks don't know, Creative Growth is an art studio & gallery that serves artists with developmental, mental & physical disabilities. Works by Creative Growth artists can be found in collections & museums around the world.

It is one of the happiest place on earth! Next time you are in town, you should really check it out. I volunteer in the studio and it is so much fun. The artists would really enjoy more plush guest artists or some sort of collaboration project/show could be fun...