I dropped my cellphone in a large tub of water this morning. It's so annoying! I can get calls but can't make any. It's so weird. Well I guess not so weird considering I dropped it in a huge tub of water. Remember the days when you had to remember phone numbers and/or you had a phone book?? What a loss I am at now without a way to communicate. How lame!
I found these super cute cellphone charms. This one
here is super cute.

love this fish
This guy is super cute too.
Ouch! Put your phone in a bowl of uncooked rice overnight....the rice should wick the water out of your phone....worked for me ^_^
Holy cheese on a stick! That last lil' guy KILLS me! Sooo tempted. :|
I don't even remember my husband's phone number... terrible, huh? I would be completely lost without my phone. Can you at least access the phonebook to write everything down (in case of emergency)?
Im the same with numbers. I keep meaning to right them down - just in case - but I never get around to it! Hope your phone miraculously gets better =P
I love those charms by the way - especially the fish - too cute!
Kim =)
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