I have been having a routine these days at Schmancy for the past few weeks. I arrive in a slight state of panic of what is ahead for me. I then go to the computer and begin. Checking the numerous emails is first. Then flickr, then Myspace and then Craft:. Today as I was looking around at all the fun crafts and crafty information, my UPS guy walked in with an envelope. As I am not really expecting anything I was a bit curious. Then I opened and gasped. It is an early copy of the highly anticipated Craft: magazine. I was really honored that they asked me to review an early copy and I have been waiting for it to arrive but in all the pre Plush You! madness, I sort of forgot. I know what I will be doing with any down time I might get between now and next Friday. I started reading "Zombines & Robots & Bears Oh My!" by Mary Belton already. I am so excited to see so many participants throughout the magazine that have or will be apart of Schmancy. There are definately numerous projects in there that I can't wait to try. My first one will definately be Cro-bot by Beth Doherty. I love her work so much. I was really happy to also see Jess Hutch's Knitted Robots on the cover. I could basically go on and on about how much I am excited about this magazine and look forward to many many more. Go get your subscription now. It's every crafters wet dream. Sorry but it's true. Yahoooooooo
Thanks so much for mentioning me, Kristen. You are so sweet. I am glad you liked the magazine.
no problem! i am really excited about the magazine and finding your work. you are amazing.
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